Future Stories

Curiosity and imagination are the tools to create stories of different futures. With all the crisis and problems we are currently facing as humanity, stories can help to find hope and purpose. They also help to deconstruct stories that are very present in our societies but are everything but positive.

The most important question in all futures literacy is “what if…” followed by an “imagine…”

It opens up every possibility, gives us agency and my help us shape a utopian world. It does not accept the circumstances we are currently facing and searches for whole new perspectives.

I want to use this platform to share my own stories of futures. Because I myself have been inspired by stories of others.

This whole project is a work in progress, as I find new what ifs every other day.



Imagine peace prevailing across the world, where the air is filled with harmony and the collective heartbeat of humanity resonates with tranquility. Nations coexist in a global symphony, fostering understanding and unity. The absence of conflict allows for shared prosperity and the flourishing of cultures. People move freely, embracing diversity, and cooperation becomes the foundation for progress. In this world, the warmth of compassion and the absence of fear create an environment where every individual can thrive, knowing that the shared pursuit of peace is the ultimate common ground.


Girls on Bikes.

Imagine a world where we do not measure economic success by the gross national product but with the metric girls on bikes.

How would a society or a city look like if we design everything around protecting and supporting the weakest link in the chain: a girl on a bike?


Interconnectedness between individual and environmental health.

The concept "health of the planet equals the health of its inhabitants" emphasizes the interdependence between environmental well-being and personal health. It underscores that the health of the Earth's ecosystems, including air and water quality, biodiversity, and climate stability, directly impacts the physical, mental, and social well-being of individuals. This idea highlights the importance of sustainable practices, conservation efforts, and environmental stewardship to ensure a healthy and thriving planet, which, in turn, contributes to the overall health and prosperity of its human inhabitants.


The Council of All Beings.

The Council of All Beings is a visionary and inclusive assembly that transcends the boundaries of individual species, serving as a collective forum. At its core, this council is a manifestation of inter-species collaboration, with humans acting as intermediaries and advocates for the needs and interests of all living beings.

The council operates on the principle that each species, from the smallest microorganisms to the most complex organisms, has a unique perspective and inherent value. Humans, in their role as stewards of the Earth, undertake the responsibility of understanding and conveying the needs of the various life forms to ensure balanced and sustainable decision-making.


Schools that embrace creativity and critical thinking.

Imagine a school where creativity, critical thinking, and a profound connection to life form the bedrock of education. In this inspiring environment, classrooms buzz with the energy of imaginative exploration, fostering a culture where curiosity is nurtured. Students are not just learners; they are thinkers and creators, encouraged to question, analyze, and innovate.

Teachers act as guides, inspiring a love for learning by connecting lessons to real-life applications. The curriculum is a dynamic tapestry that weaves together academic knowledge with practical skills, preparing students for the challenges and opportunities of the world beyond the classroom.

Within the walls of this school, collaboration is celebrated, and students develop a deep understanding of their interconnectedness with the world. It's a place where education transcends rote memorization, empowering individuals to think critically, solve problems creatively, and find purpose in their learning journey.


Biosphere and Technosphere Symbiosis.

The concept of Biosphere and Technosphere Symbiosis envisions a harmonious and mutually beneficial relationship between the natural world (biosphere) and the human-created technological systems (technosphere). It suggests that, rather than existing as separate entities with conflicting interests, the biosphere and technosphere can work together in a synergistic manner to achieve sustainable development and address environmental challenges. This idea aligns with the broader goals of ecological sustainability and responsible technological innovation.


Inspired by the works of Joanna Macy

Inspired by the Evolutionary Development Goals

Images are made with Midjourney.